How are mPx products used?
Our clients use mPx products in many innovative ways.
You will find below use cases illustrating how mPx products enhance our clients' productivity.
Virtual try-ons
Virtual try-ons typically involve using augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) technology to create a realistic, 3D representation of the product on the customer's body or face. This allows the customer to see how the product looks on them and how it fits, before making a purchase.

Virtual try-ons can be an effective way to improve customer satisfaction and reduce the number of returns and exchanges. They also offer a more immersive and interactive shopping experience, which can increase engagement and brand loyalty.
Success Factors
Our virtual try-on technology drives success by optimizing:
Accuracy: Accurately representing the product and how it will look on the customer.
Speed: Maximizing seamlessness: slow loading times or clunky interfaces can lead to frustration and loss of opportunity.
Compatibility: Ensuring compatibility with a range of devices and platforms thus reaching a wider audience.
Realism: Realistically depicting the product on the customer's body or face via high-quality graphics and advanced algorithms.
Personalization: Allowing clients to customize the product and try on different variations, such as colors or sizes.
Integration: Seamlessly integrating virtual try-ons with the retailer's website or app to provide a smooth shopping experience.
Virtual 360° tour
Via virtual 360° tours, users can navigate a location and see it from all angles, as if physically present. They can move in all directions, zoom in and out to gain a full view of their environment.
Virtual 360° tours are commonly used in real estate to showcase properties but can also be used in tourism, education, and entertainment.
Virtual 360° tours provide a more immersive and engaging experience than static images or videos, allowing users to explore at their own pace with a personalized and interactive experience.
theVRkit, our ready-to-use virtual reality kit will turn your smartphone into a $1000+ 360-camera for around 10x less. It is the only kit in the market that offers a real 185° wide angle and can be customized on demand.
Success Factors
Our virtual 360° tour technology drives success by optimizing the following dimensions:
Quality: Enhanced quality with clear, sharp images and smooth transitions between different viewpoints to provide a realistic and immersive experience.
User experience: More intuitive and seamless navigation, switch between different viewpoints and control of the speed and direction of the camera.
Interactivity: Compelling interactive features, such as clickable hotspots or pop-up information boxes that allow users to better explore their environment.
Compatibility: Improved compatibility with a range of devices and platforms to enhance accessibility and reach a wider audience.
Integration: Seamless integration with the host website or app to provide a smooth and cohesive user experience.
Marketing: Enhanced marketability via social media, email marketing or other channels to reach a wider audience and drive engagement.
Analytics on CCTV camera for the security sector
There are several types of image analytics solutions that can run on CCTV camera feeds. Here are some examples:
Object detection: can detect and track objects within the camera's field of view, such as people, vehicles, or animals. It can also classify them like identifying a car make or model.
Facial recognition: can recognize and identify individuals based on their facial features. It can be used for security purposes, such as identifying known criminals or suspects.
Crowd analysis: can analyze crowd behavior - counting the number of people in a specific area or detecting unusual behavior.
License plate recognition: can read and recognize license plates on vehicles, used for traffic enforcement or parking management.
Video analytics: can analyze video footage in real-time or post-event, identifying suspicious activities, or abnormal behaviors.
Perimeter protection: is used to detect intrusion by analyzing the movements in the boundary of the camera view.
These image analytics solutions can be used for a range of applications, including security, surveillance, traffic management, and retail analytics; CCTV camera feeds can provide valuable insights improving safety and security in public spaces or facilities.
What factors impact analytics output negatively?
Poor image quality: Low quality cameras with noise or blur, lead to reduced accuracy in identifying or detecting objects or people.
Camera positioning: The positioning of the camera can also affect the accuracy of analytics.
Lighting conditions: If lighting conditions are poor - low light or bright sunlight - the camera may not be able to capture clear images.
Crowded or congested scenes: When there are many objects or people, it can be difficult for analytics solutions to accurately identify or track specific objects or individuals.
Changing scenes: If the camera's field of view is constantly changing, such as in a moving vehicle or in a busy street, it can be difficult for analytics solutions to track objects or people accurately.
False alarms: Analytics solutions may generate false alarms or notifications, such as when the system mistakenly identifies an object or person as suspicious or dangerous.
Which analytics running on CCTV camera feed need image stitching?
Crowd analysis may need image stitching from multiple cameras.
Traffic analysis to monitor flow and detect congestion or accidents.
Perimeter protection from intrusions along a perimeter or fence line.
Site & urban planning may need image stitching to create a comprehensive view of a site or location.
In general, any application that requires a larger or panoramic view of a scene can benefit from image stitching. However, it's important to note that image stitching can be computationally intensive and requires significant processing power, which may limit its use in certain applications or environments.
What metaPeakx can do for you:

- High-quality digital image/video stitching
- Real-time processing
- Edge processing
- Solution when computational power is reduced
Robotic inventory management for the retail sector
Robotic inventory management systems may include automated drones, robotic arms, and other machines that manipulate inventory items. These systems can be programmed to perform tasks such as scanning barcodes, counting items, and moving products around.
By using robotic inventory management systems, retailers can improve their efficiency and accuracy in managing stocks and ultimately improve the overall shopping experience for customers. Additionally, they can save time and labor costs, as robots can perform some inventory management tasks more effectively.
Success Factors
Our technologies and expertise in robotic inventory management in the retail sector will deliver in the following areas:
Accurate and reliable data, including inventory levels, sales data, and customer demand, relying on the ability to accurately capture and analyze data.
Effective planning and forecasting: The system should be able to predict changes in demand, seasonality, and other factors that can affect inventory levels.
Efficient operations: Minimal downtime and disruptions, requiring regular maintenance, proper training, and effective troubleshooting.
Flexibility and adaptability: Robotic inventory management should be flexible enough to adjust to new products and changing patterns.
Integration with other systems: integration with point-of-sale systems and logistics management software.
Wide angle view for better situational awareness
- “See-through” military armoured vehicle for the defence sector.
- Under-vehicle inspection for the security sector.
- Around vehicle inspection for the car hire sector.
A wide-angle view can be achieved in two ways:
- Using a camera lens with a larger-than-usual field of view.
- Using multiple cameras with standard lenses and stitching the images taken by those cameras.
This wider view allows the camera to capture more of the surrounding environment, providing better situational awareness.
In applications such as surveillance and security, a wide-angle view can be especially useful, as it allows operators to monitor larger areas and detect potential threats more quickly.
Wide-angle views can also be beneficial in other applications, such as in automotive safety systems or in navigation systems for drones and other autonomous vehicles.
Success Factors
Our services drive succes of high-quality wide-angle view imagery by assisting our clients improving:
Lens quality: The quality of the lens is critical; lenses with low distortion and sharp focus can help ensure clear and accurate images.
Sensor quality: High-resolution sensors with good dynamic range and color depth can help ensure accurate and detailed images.
Lighting conditions: Adequate lighting is necessary to ensure the image is well-exposed and free from noise and other artifacts.
Image processing: It requires techniques such as distortion correction, noise reduction, and image sharpening.
Camera placement: It is essential to position the camera in such a way that minimizes obstructions and other sources of distortion.
Calibration: Proper calibration (focus, exposure and other parameters) of the camera and lens are crucial for accurate and consistent image quality over time.
Remote operations of robots and vehicles
Robotic remote operations involve the use of various types of robots, including ground-based, aerial, and underwater robots, among others. These robots can be controlled by operators who are located at a remote location, such as a control room or a command center, using advanced communication technologies such as satellite links or wireless networks.
Exploration of remote or hazardous environments, such as deep-sea environments, volcanic areas...
Inspection and monitoring of infrastructure such as bridges, pipelines, power lines, and even as nuclear power plants.
Search and rescue operations to locate and rescue people in hazardous or inaccessible areas.
Military and defense applications, such as reconnaissance, surveillance, and bomb disposal.

Success Factors
The success of robotic remote operations depends on several factors:
Robust communication systems: These systems must provide reliable, real-time data transmission, even in remote/challenging environments.
Robust robotics systems: They must be capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions.
Skilled operators: They must have a deep understanding of the robotics system and be able to troubleshoot issues that arise during operation.
Effective sensors: Sensors must be able to provide accurate and reliable data in real-time to ensure safe and efficient operation.
Proper planning and execution: Objectives dentification, selection of robotics system/sensors and effective execution of the mission plan.
Effective maintenance and support: This includes performing regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades, as well as providing technical support to the operators when needed.
What metaPeakx can do for you:

- Seamless wide-angle real-time imagery to tbe operator
- Adjustments to HMD (compensation for Inter Pupillary Distance) to avoid nausea
- Ease of integration with robots and their on-board image-capturing hardware
- Ease of intergation with analytics running on the images captured and stitched


360° virtual tours are an excellent way to capture the details of a real estate property and make the result accessible to everyone through a web browser.

Check out our PropTech product below!
Download our PropTech case study below
Additional Use Cases
Here are a number of additional use cases for our products from a number of industries.

AR solution for defence
Client utilises our technology to create a see-through tank enabling the crew to visualise the surrounding outside of the tank.
Under vehicle inspection
Client required a stitching software solution, linked to their hardware, a speed bump equipped with 6 cameras filming vertically to capture comprehensive pictures of vehicles from below.
Clients required video stitching in the context of the teleoperation of robotic vehicles.
Scanning of alleys and shelves
The stitching of large quantities of photos and videos has been developed for Bossa Nova and can also be used in all similar configurations, including for example, in bookshops, libraries, and many other retail/FMCG outlets or distribution centres.
Client responded to the needs of the Abu Dhabi Police Department by installing 360 surveillance cameras capable of high resolution in order to zoom on details at several crossroads.
Client manages several sites each equipped with a group of 6 cameras looking in different directions and was looking for a stitching solution to produce a coherent video flow for each site under surveillance.
360 cameras
Client have requested our services as 360 video stitching solutions in very high resolution are either non-existent or prohibitively expensive (in both processing power and money).
Great angle rear-view mirror for helmets
Client needed its motorbike helmet to become “intelligent”: we equipped it with 2 integrated cameras at the back. The result of the stitching is projected as a Head-Up Display, transparent in the frontal visor, as a virtual rear-view mirror.
VR helmet real-time view for cinema director
We have sold licences to a French cinema director known for “technical” short films and to the US adult industry (the only VR movies to have a public for the time being) in Los Angeles.
Wide-angle capture in stadiums
Client has asked us to stitch 3 cameras filming in a stadium to obtain a very wide angle video flow.
Everyday spatial computing applications
The “must have” need for eerily realistic content on any Spatial Computing / Augmented Reality platform requires the highest quality of image stitching, as panoramic views become the norm.
Stitching of aerial photos
Client has requested the stitching of the photos captured by their 360 drones.
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